Points of Interest Map Finding Tool

To use our new map finding tool, choose a state from the map below and then click the category you are interested in researching.

Points of Interest Browse is comprised of several standard categories. The availability and amount of points of interest will vary for each state based on the availability of geocoded maps.

Select a State:

Washington Oregon California Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado Utah Arizona New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Illinois Wisconsin Mississippi Michigan Indiana Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Ohio West Virginia North Carolina Virginia South Carolina Georgia Florida Pennsylvania New York Maine Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Deleware Maryland District of Columbia Hawaii Alaska Nevada

Utah Points of Interest

Buildings in Utah

Man-made structures with walls and roofs for protection of people and/or materials, but not does not include churches, hospitals, or schools.

Cemeteries in Utah

Places or areas for burying the dead including burying grounds, burials, graves, and memorial gardens.

Churches in Utah

Buildings used for religious worship including chapels, mosques, synagogues, tabernacles, and temples.

Civil Places in Utah

Political divisions formed for administrative purposes including boroughs, counties, municipios, parishes, towns, and townships.

Hospitals in Utah

Buildings where the sick or injured may receive medical or surgical attention including infirmaries.

Lakes in Utah

Natural bodies of inland waters including backwaters, lacs, lagoons, lagunas, ponds, pools, resacas, and waterholes.

Locales in Utah

Places at which there is or was human activity including battlefields, crossroads, camps, farms, ghost towns, landings, railroad sidings, ranches, ruins, sites, stations, windmills. It does not include populated places, mines, or dams.

Military Places (Historical) in Utah

Places or facilities formerly used for various aspects of or relating to military activities.

Populated Places in Utah

Places or areas with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population including cities, settlements, towns, villages.

Schools in Utah

Buildings or groups of buildings used as an institutions for study, teaching, and learning including academies, colleges, high schools, and universities.

Streams in Utah

Linear bodies of water flowing on the Earth's surface including anabranchs, awawas, bayous, branches, brooks, creeks, distributaries, forks, kills, pups, rios, rivers, runs, and sloughs.

Summits in Utah

Prominent elevations rising above the surrounding level of the Earth's surface including ahus, bergs, balds, buttes, cerros, colinas, cones, cumbres, domes, heads, hills, horns, knobs, knolls, maunas, mesas, mesitas, mounds, mounst, mountains, peaks, puus, rocks, sugarloafs, tables, volcanoes. Does not include pillars, ridges, or ranges.

Airports in Utah

Man-made facilities maintained for the use of aircraft including airfields, airstrips, landing fields, and landing strips.

Areas in Utah

Any one of several areally extensive natural features not included in other categories including badlands, barrens, deltas, fans, and gardens.

Harbors in Utah

Sheltered areas of water where ships or other watercraft can anchor or dock including honos, ports, roads, and roadsteads.

Parks in Utah

Places or areas set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resources and under some form of government administration including national historical landmarks, National parks, State parks, wilderness areas. Does not include National or State forests or Reserves.

Post Offices in Utah

Official facilities of the U.S. Postal Service used for processing and distributing mail and other postal material.

Reservoirs in Utah

Artificially impounded bodies of water including lakes and tanks.

Trails in Utah

Routes for passage from one point to another; does not include roads or highways including jeep trails, paths, and ski trails.

Valleys in Utah

Linear depression in the Earth's surface that generally slope from one end to the other including barrancas, canyons, chasms, coves, draws, glens, gorges, gulches, gulfs, hollows, ravines.

More Features in Utah:
Archs, Arroyos, Bars, Basins, Bays, Beachs, Benchs, Bends, Bridges, Canals, Capes, Census, Channels, Cliffs, Craters, Crossings, Dams, Falls, Flats, Forests, Gaps, Glaciers, Guts, Islands, Lavas, Levees, Mines, Oilfields, Pillars, Plains, Ranges, Rapids, Reserves, Ridges, Slopes, Springs, Swamps, Towers, Tunnels, Wells, Woods,